Read more about the article Neuer Standort für Schließfächer für Obdachlose in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg eröffnet
From left to right: Bettina Reisinger (Variocube), Oliver Nöll (Deputy District Mayor), Thomas Mertens (Home & Care), Sebastian Bergmann and Franz Moser (both Variocube)

New location for lockers for the homeless opened in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg

Home & Care has opened a new locker facility for homeless people in Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg in collaboration with Variocube. This facility, the second of its kind in Berlin, the project aims to...

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Read more about the article Schließfächer für Obdachlose: Ein Vorzeigeprojekt in Berlin Reinickendorf
From left to right: Julia Menzel (Home & Care GmbH) Bettina Reisinger (Variocube GmbH)

Lockers for the homeless: A flagship project in Berlin Reinickendorf

A safe and easily accessible place for homeless people to store their belongings is being created on the streets of Berlin-Reinickendorf. We are talking about secure lockers for homeless people, which are being built in collaboration between Variocube and Home &...

Continue ReadingLockers for the homeless: A flagship project in Berlin Reinickendorf
Read more about the article Inklusive Paketstationen: Ein Schritt in Richtung einer inklusiven Gesellschaft
Barrier-free parcel station from Variocube with clearly visible operating elements, compartment pull-outs and orientation aids for easy and independent use.

Inclusive parcel stations: A step towards an inclusive society

In today's fast-paced world, parcel stations have become an integral part of our everyday lives. The new inclusive parcel station from Variocube is an innovative solution to give everyone access to this service.

Continue ReadingInclusive parcel stations: A step towards an inclusive society