Research projects and innovations
We are working intensively on the further development and future of smart locker systems.
The fact is: locker systems are a central component of the last mile in parcel logistics. However, they also open up completely new possibilities for goods handovers, rental solutions and much more. This is precisely where our innovative spirit comes in and we are working on various research projects with innovations for the future of intelligent locker systems as smart city hubs, for new types of logistics solutions, as an additional sustainability booster, the use of new types of materials, but also on the accessibility of the systems for people with disabilities.

Foundations for a nationwide implementation of the Physical Internet in Austria

Public transport pack
Sustainable parcel transport on public transport of Wiener Linien

Functional Steel
The future of the shelf. Developed in cooperation with voestalpine.

How smart locker systems can be used by people with disabilities.

How smart locker systems can be used by people with disabilities.

Business model and service potentials for flexible flows of goods and information in the parcel segment.
Lead project "PhysICAL" - Physical Internet through Cooperative Austrian Logistics

The lead project PhysICAL (Physical Internet through Cooperative Austrian Logistics) creates the necessary basis for a nationwide implementation of the Physical Internet in Austria - to protect the climate and for more efficient transport logistics. Among other things, application possibilities are being developed in four different pilots. This demonstrates that the Physical Internet brings an economic advantage to the Austrian transport industry and at the same time an ecological and socio-economic benefit to society.
However, for widespread use, development work is still necessary, such as the provision of open information systems like platforms or the further development of intelligent transport units and the necessary infrastructures.
A total of 17 project partners are working together in four different pilots to realise
Sustainable parcel transport on Wiener Linien public transport: "Öffi-Packerl" (public transport parcel)
Together with Fraunhofer Austria, Wiener Linien, Österreichische Post AG, netwiss OG, Upstream Mobility, Vienna University of Technology, GRT Spedition und Logistik GmbH and Malerei Großbötzl, we are working on a new and innovative concept in the "Öffi-Packerl" project to make the last mile more efficient and sustainable.
A study last year showed that many passengers are willing to take "foreign" parcels on the tram. This is why the next step is now being taken: within the framework of the "Öffi-Packerl" project, the concrete development is starting under the leadership of Fraunhofer Austria. For this purpose, processes and applications are being developed that allow users to easily use this service; the first deliveries are planned for 2024.
Functional Steel - The future of shelves.

The FunctionalSteel shelves are being developed in cooperation between Voestalpine and Variocube. The focus of the research is the development of a smart shelf that can recognise whether and where an object is located using an integrated sensor system that is only a few millimetres thick. The weight of the object can also be determined. This technology opens up new application possibilities in many areas. Occupancy detection is therefore no longer based solely on check-in and check-out data, but thanks to the FunctionalSteel can precisely determine whether items are actually in a compartment.
Unlock4All - how smart locker systems can be used by people with disabilities.

The UnLock4All project aims to find solutions to the problems of excessive parcel delivery journeys, the frequent lack of accessibility for recipients at parcel stations and the transport of bulky and heavy parcels from the station to their homes.
To this end, the three areas of accessibility, addressing and mobility solution are being examined in detail, new ideas for solutions are being developed, people with different disabilities are being involved in the design process from the very beginning and implementation is being tested with test persons in a field trial in Linz.
WienBox - Always the right box in the right place

Launch of the WienBox - The Wiener Stadtwerke project, initiated by Wiener Lokalbahnen, combines open collection boxes from various providers into an integrated service. It offers citizens, local trade and commerce, public administration and logistics companies a practical solution and simplification.
alBOX - Business model and service potentials for flexible flows of goods and information in the parcel segment.

The project aims at the experimental development and piloting of locker systems independent of parcel service providers in combination with tailor-made service offers in the real experimental spaces Kaumberg (Lower Austria) and Margareten (Vienna). The main focus is on the usability check of the already existing hardware and software solution. The economic, ecological and social added value for all stakeholders is analysed.
Saving CO2 emissions and the sustainable design of settlements and cities are also the focus of the project, as are the interests and needs of the stakeholders involved.
The project partners:
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Storebox Holding GmbH, Vienna University of Technology, Variocube GmbH, Climate and Energy Fund / FFG