You are currently viewing Virenbarriere für den Einzelhandel durch smarte Abholstationen

Virus barrier for retail through smart pick-up stations

Linz - Upper Austria: Serial entrepreneur Franz Spindler developed his own web-enabled cabinet system for his online cleaning platform Clesyclean, which has since been expanded by various module variants as well as software applications in his latest spin-off, VARIOCUBE GmbH, and is thus already being used in numerous markets.

What they all have in common is the ability to temporarily store goods and objects of all kinds securely and to control door openings via smart software apps. In this way, the system ensures, for example, a temporal decoupling of delivery and acceptance of parcels. As a side effect, of course, the delivery person or seller and the recipient or buyer of goods no longer have to meet in person, which rules out direct virus transmission from person to person from the outset.

VARIOCUBE GmbH would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who tirelessly do their job in the service of the community, despite the increased health risk, and hopes to be able to make a meaningful contribution to the well-being of all through its products.
Return of goods 24/7

Click & Collect

As a pick-up station (click & collect solution) for the retail trade, the facilities were primarily used to buy goods online and pick them up before or after opening hours.

In the current worrying situation, day-to-day business can also be handled via the pick-up stations, thus reducing the health risk for people working in retail, as there is no direct customer contact. Variocube systems can also be optimally used in the area of local suppliers in rural communities.

By adapting the in-house programmed software, almost any form of pick-up and drop-off stations can be realised, which can also be set up outdoors due to the possibility of a modular roofing. The systems are self-sufficient due to integrated mobile radio connections, only a power supply is required.

Variocube system in the DC Tower

Housing complex

In the area of apartment buildings, central parcel stations prevent the meeting of deliverers and recipients, which also eliminates the risk of direct transmission for this risk group.

VARIOCUBE GmbH would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who tirelessly do their job in the service of the community, despite the increased health risk, and hopes to be able to make a meaningful contribution to the well-being of all through its products.